2024 Content Themes & Trends

  • Funding

  • Cybersecurity

  • Compliance

  • Professional Development

  • Business Growth Strategies

  • Marketing

  • Brand Development

  • Service Expansion and Diversification

  • Small Business Support

  • Resources

From Cybersecurity to Growth:

Essential Topics for Today's

Tax Businesses

As we continue to sculpt the final expo agenda, we are delighted to share a partial list of topics that promise to enrich our discussions and learning experiences. Our commitment is to provide a platform that not only addresses current challenges but also explores avenues for growth for tax businesses. We are in the process of confirming speakers, fine-tuning our agenda, and considering additional topics. Notably, approximately 95% of our presentations will be accessible in both Spanish and English, ensuring inclusivity and broadening our reach.

*Presented both in English and Spanish

  • Data Breaches: A Threat to Business Expansion and How to Counteract Them*

  • How IRS Online Tools Can Speed Up Your Business Operations*

  • Leveraging Offer in Compromise for Business Growth*

  • Access to Capital for Small Business Expansion*

  • Essential Guidelines for PTIN-EFIN Relationships in Tax Teams*

  • The Ultimate Guide to FinCEN and BOI: Turning Compliance into Competitive Advantage*

  • Tax Season Debrief: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned with Veteran Tax Preparers*

  • Lights, Camera, Growth: Mastering Video Marketing to Amplify Your Authority*

  • Empowering Your Identity: A Guide to Confident Self-Promotion and Presence*

  • Building Your Brand with Facebook Communities: Insights and Best Practices

  • Year-Round Revenue: The CPA's Guide to Adding Bookkeeping to Your Tax Services*

  • Add a Stream of Income to your Business by Leveraging Real Estate*

  • The Pillars of a Successful Service Bureau: From Setup to Scalability*

  • Becoming an Enrolled Agent: Pathways, Perks, and Business Growth Potential*

  • Journey to Growth: Adding Travel Services as a New Revenue Stream*

  • Beyond Taxes: Integrating Startup Consulting into Your Practice for Growth and Diversification*

Planning Is Bringing The Future Into The Present.

A conference specifically designed for tax professionals to present all resources available for small businesses, like yours, is long overdue.

Meet in PRadise!

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